How to get involved in YAPC::EU Granada 2015

31 Aug 2014
by sa

Next year the YAPC::EU will take place in Granada (Spain) in early September, as you already probably know by now.

The organization team members are currently from, but we’d like to invite the Cloud Orga team that worked so well this year to get involved too. We plan to keep on using #yapceu channel on for contact and co-ordination, but we have a Google group that you may want to join. The conversations on that list are mainly in Spanish but you are welcome to participate in English, if you prefer. Please, send a message to request an invitation to the list.

We’ll be posting news on this blog and twitter in order to keep you updated on our progress. Once we have the Act instance in production, we’ll publish most important news there too.

Cheers and see you in Granada!

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