Medium Storage Crate

09 Aug 2017
by ignat

To place all the obtained chemical elements in a strict order, we need to make a high-tech solution for storing reagents, components and substances.

For the first time, we will use the Medium Storage Crate. Its dimensions are sufficient to place all non-radioactive chemical elements in the first compartment. And various natural and artificially synthesized chemicals in the second compartment.

Black Diamond, Diamond,
Starch, Cellulose
Mineral Salt

In the second compartment we will have allocate synthesized and natural composite chemicals and materials in the order adopted in our narrative. Creating an intuitive and subject index of the studied educational material on chemistry.


We will place pure chemical elements in the order accepted in the periodic system of Mendeleyev (pages 299-301, 55-57, 875-876 of a chemical textbook). For simplicity and space saving, as well as for reasons of greater visibility, we will use grouped groups and subgroups to show reacts with the most common element in the universe and having the serial number 1 and the same core charge – Hydrogen.

In total we will have 8 groups and they will all be in columns.

We will have 10 columns. The first 8 are assigned to 8 valence groups. And columns 9 and 10 for the remaining 6 elements (Co, Ni, Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt).

  2. MINECHEM v6

Chemistry Zumdahl, 7 ed. Houghton Mifflin Company Boston New York



We also will not use and store elements of France, Radium, Antinoid, Kurchatovy, Nielsborin (Fr, Ra, Ac- (Lr), Ku, Ns) because of their radioactivity. They are life-threatening and not subject to storage in a simple Medium Storage Crate. It is desirable to store radioactive elements in a special place with thick Lead walls (1-2 meters) and manipulate substances in the storage facility more remotely with the help of robots. Produce products containing radioactive elements are better without the contact of people.

The first physicists-investigators of the radioactive properties of Radium (the Curie family) worked in direct contact with these elements and underwent enormous doses of radiation, which led to the premature death of these researchers. Containers, generators and other radioactive equipment (such as weapons of mass destruction) and places of storage of these things are marked with a special symbol – Radioactive danger.

Arrangement of the researcher’s place

Medium Storage Crate

Our storage system will be built right into the wall of the house next to the atomic re-enactor and the CF energy generator on coal. Perhaps this is a temporary storage place, but after making and placing it in our storage, we can transfer the storage once, along with all the content to a new location. This device (Storage Crate Keeper) guarantees that our works on the classification of chemical elements will not be lost.

Storage Crate Keeper

Consider the technical documentation for Medium Storage Crate

This storage is created based on the Small Storage Crate.

Small Storage Crate Craft

In turn, Small Storage Crate is made on the basis of Wood Casing.

Small Storage Crate

The recipe for a wooden box is quite understandable. As a basis, a piece of wood of the correct form is taken and covered with boards that are fastened with racks. From the piece of wood you can hollow out the base and the lid.

Wood Casing

Small Storage Crate by volume is slightly larger than two large (double) chests. That is reflected in the recipe. Probably it is more compact and roomy due to the internal organization of the space and the smaller thickness of the base and lid.

But Medium Storage Crate is already high storage technology. I can assume that inside of such storage things are sorted into atoms and stacked compactly for the period of storage. Upon receipt from the vault, things are collected again. When we look inside, with a high probability we just look at the holographic images of things.

For its production requires four Void Crystal Block, each of which consists of 9 Void Crystal.

To create only one Void Crystal in a natural way without the Atomic Reconstructor I had to find a biome with crystals under the ground. All the black crystals of 1 biome were enough for only 1 Void Crystal. For 1 Void Crystal (or a black diamond). Leaves 9 black crystals.

Atomic Reconstructor

Let’s look at the documentation for the Atomic Reconstructor doc in the place where it is described how to get Void Crystal from coal and what comes from the ingot of iron.

Atomic Reconstructor doc

To control the operating modes of the Atomic Reconstruction we need an Infrared remote control or blinker. Use it to select the Pulsation mode.

IR control

Coal Generator

To get enough Void Crystals to create a repository, we need to connect the energy to the Atomic Re-enactor. To do this, we use the CF energy generator on coal.

Coal Generator

Void Crystals

When everything is ready and the Atomic Reconstructor has received a sufficient supply of energy. We must step back a couple of steps. Place between the Obsidian block and the Atomic Reconstructor as many coals as you need under the prescription 4 * 9 = 36. To do this, select the necessary item in the line, move the cursor to the desired location and press the Q key as many times as you want to convert the material.

Atomic Reconstructor

System of chemical elements

After installation to the desired location. Let’s take all the chemical elements that we got and chemicals and arrange them in the right order.

The very first place in the left upper corner will be Hydrogen. He is in the first row of the first group.

Periodic System of Mendeleyev's

If we place an ingot of gold in the Chemical Dissolver, we get pure gold. Place of the metal Gold, which practically does not oxidize under normal conditions in the lower left corner of our storage. Gold also applies to the first Group, therefore, to be in the same column as Hydrogen.

In the second row (line), starting from the fourth column are located one after the other Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen. We got them from Pulp and Starch.

Potassium, which we got from potatoes, also apply to the first valence group and is located in the fourth line.

Calcium, derived from eggshells, refers to the second group and the fourth row. Therefore it is located in the second column and the fourth line (pages 55-56 of a chemical textbook).

Which group includes Calcium?

At the end of the same row in column 8 is the Iron element. We receive it directly from the ingot of iron.

Let’s note that Gold and Iron are some of the most famous metals. These elements are subgroups.

Why Gold is not included in the alkali metals group?

In new versions of the arrangement of elements in the Periodic System of Chemical Elements, the elements of the Collateral groups are taken separately in the allotted space in the middle part of the wider table. Another kind of system can be found in the textbook (pages 55-57 of a chemical textbook).

What is the name of the group (of potassium) of very active elements that readily form ions with a 1+ charge when they react with nonmetals?


alkaline earth metals
Gold belongs to a sub-group (Transition metal).
alkali metals

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