
31 Dec 2020
by ignat


 Composer (eng)

  1. We put the correct docker according to the documentation


  1. Install docker-compose sudo apt install docker-compose


  1. We put virtualbox


  1. Set


  1. Set PostgreSQL


In PostgreSQL, we create the insikt database and restore the tables from the dump.


Keystore db

Also is needed restore the keystore db.

We need in our local restore it from a dump with


pg_restore -h {ip} -U postgres -W insikt1.sql -d insikt


Note: Database must be already created


  1. We collect images of containers, launching in each In the backend directory, run make deploy


  1. After enabling the instance:


systemctl enable systemd-resolved

systemctl start systemd-resolved


  1. Check Eraser


sudo docker run -p 9200: 9200 -p 9300: 9300 -e “discovery.type = single-node”∗.6.15


  1. Adding an index to Elasticsearch


After this we need to go to Kibana though browser in IP_SERVER: 5601

Once Kibana is loaded go to the sidebar menu and click on Dev Tools.

You will see kibana console


Open kibana (/ app / kibana # / dev_tools / console? _G = ())

Dev Tools – Console

Insert script code


PUT demo



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sudo apt install python-pytest python-elasticsearch


Inside the script, I switched the ES_CONN variable to the IP address






GET demo / _search


“query”: {

match_all: {}




  1. MySQL


There is a file in the tmp / pyalerts directory, you need to comment out the creation of indexes (if this file is used for the first time)




Run the command, write to the password request: test


mysql -h -u test -p insikt <mysql-tested.sql


Then go to the MySQL console and create 2 more tables:


mysql -h -u test -p insikt


CREATE TABLE language (id INT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, name text, status tinyint (1));

CREATE TABLE network_analysis (id INT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, project_id VARCHAR (256) DEFAULT NULL, start date, end date, source varchar (1000), status tinyint (4));


  1. We look at the result


sudo docker logs deploy_backend_1


sudo docker logs deploy_frontend_1


sudo docker ps


Container list


ps axf

you can see the list of converters in the process


docker restart – restart the container in memory

docker update – with updating parameters


sudo docker exec -it {container_name} bash

go inside the container


DB_PASS_POSTGRESQL = “Pbdivbknn123”

Setting up postgress on locahost

How to allow remote connections to PostgreSQL database server

register listen_addresses = ‘*’ in /etc/postgres/10/main/postgres.conf


As well as valid IP addresses from which the inputs to the BD are in the /etc/postgres/10/main/pg_hbd.conf file


In the docker-composet.yml file for accessing Kafke containers in broker service environment variables:



for external access to kafka without a container:



System restart

cd deploy

sudo docker-compose down – cut down all containers

sudo docker stop {container name} – stop

sudo docker rm {container name} – delete

sudo docker-compose up -d – run all containers from the docker-composet.yml file


  1. Storm


The script for the automatic installation of Storm from the local Linux system via ssh is located in the ~ / tmp / supervisord / storm / directory


You also need an archive with the Storm distribution version 1.0.6 – c.tar.gz

and the demon archive for running Storm called supervisord – s.tar.gz.

In addition, there is also Oracle Java – jdk-8u192-linux-x64.tar.gz


Both archives are saved in ~ / tmp / supervisord /


To install Java, use the command:


apt install default-jdk


Then for the bundle we put Oracle Java in the / usr / lib / jvm directory next to OpenJdk, sometimes the original Java is more suitable.


To use Oracle Java, it is enough to set the environment variable in the necessary configs:


JAVA_HOME = / usr / lib / jvm / jdk1.8.0_192


Add path PATH = ”/ opt / storm / current / bin: $ PATH” to ~ / .profile


To start storm type:


sudo /etc/init.d/supervisor start


To stop Stopm, the same command as above, with the word stop.


storm version




  1. Leiningen


You do not have to create an additional bin directory in the ~ home directory.

cd ~

mkdir bin


cd ~ / bin


cd ~ / .local / bin




chmod + x ~ / bin / lein


chmod + x ~ / .local / bin




lein version


  1. Streamparse


sudo pip3 install streamparse


sparse quickstart wordcount


cd wordcount


In the project.clj file, you need to change the version of Storm in line 6:


: dependencies [[org.apache.storm / storm-core “1.0.6”]


Check the performance:


sparse run


To run the task on the Storm cluster, and not on the local library, use the command (IPs configuration is required in the config.json file):


sparse submit


  1. TensorFlow


For the first acquaintance with the capabilities of neural networks, this link is suitable:


Copy the NLP_Engine_v2.tar.gz archive to any place on the disk where there is free space.


Unzip to the same directory. This is important as the model is voluminous:


tar -zxvf NLP_Engine_v2.tar.gz -C.


The extreme point in the command means to unzip to the current directory.


Then you need to install the necessary Python packages:


sudo pip3 install nltk numpy regex stanfordnlp joblib lmdb vaderSentiment polyglot pycld2 morfessor keras tensorflow sklearn elasticsearch pandas


sudo apt install python3-mysql.connector python3-pycurl


Then go to the NLP_Engine_v2 directory and execute the command:


source env / bin / activate


Pay attention to the nlp directory. This is the python module that analyzes.


After that, you need to write the paths for the local python module nlp:


nano nlp_engine / src / bolts /


In another file, you need to correct the environment variables, in principle, if you run through the container, you need to do this in the docker-compose.yml file.


nano nlp_engine/src/spouts/


Then go to the nlp_engine directory and run the command:


sparse run


To run on the Storm cluster, you need to adjust the IP addresses in the config.json file and use the command:


sparse submit


  1. A container to run NLP


To run machine analysis, go to the directory … and run


  1. Clause. Additions and thoughts out loud.


This command can be used to deflate a site. The resulting directories can be used to test containers for parsing to isolate information.


To compile a map or site index, in principle, you can use the standard features of Storm.


If you successfully filter this content, then it can be used to train the neural network.


wget -m -l 10 -e robots = off -p -k -E –reject-regex “wp” –no-check-certificate -U = “Mozilla / 5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit / 537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome / 68.0.3440.106 Safari / 537.36 “


A trained neural network can be used to generate messages to maintain dialogue. For any questions, immediately give a link to the source on this forum.


Composer (ru)

  1. Ставим правильный докер по документации


  1. Ставим docker-compose sudo apt  install docker-compose


  1. Ставим virtualbox


  1. Ставим


  1. Ставим PostgreSQL


В PostgreSQL создаём базу данных insikt и востанавливаем таблицы из дампа.


Keystore db

Also is needed restore the keystore db.

We need in our local restore it from a dump with


pg_restore -h -U postgres -W insikt1.sql -d insikt


Note: Database must be already created


  1. Собираем имиджи контейнеров, запуская в каждом В каталоге backend запускаем make deploy


  1. После включения инстанса:


systemctl enable systemd-resolved

systemctl start systemd-resolved


  1. Проверка Еластика


sudo docker run -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e “discovery.type=single-node”


  1. Добавление индекса в Elasticsearch


After this we need to go to Kibana though browser in  IP_SERVER:5601

Once Kibana is loaded go to the sidebar menu and click on Dev Tools.

You will see kibana console


Открываем kibana (/app/kibana#/dev_tools/console?_g=())

Dev Tools – Console

Вставляем код скрипта


PUT demo



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sudo apt install python-pytest python-elasticsearch


Внутри скрипта переключил переменную ES_CONN на IP адресс






GET demo/_search


“query”: {

“match_all”: {}




  1. MySQL


В директории tmp/pyalerts есть фай, надо закоментить создание индексов (если этот файл используеться впервые)




Выполнить команду, на запрос пароля написать : test


mysql -h -u test -p insikt < mysql-tested.sql


Затем зайти в консоль MySQL и создать еще 2 таблицы:


mysql -h -u test -p insikt


CREATE TABLE language (id INT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, name text, status tinyint(1));

CREATE TABLE network_analysis (id INT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,project_id VARCHAR(256) DEFAULT NULL, start date, end date, source varchar(1000), status tinyint(4));


  1. Смотрим результат


sudo docker logs deploy_backend_1


sudo docker logs deploy_frontend_1


sudo docker ps

Список контейнеров


ps axf

можно посмотреть список контерйнеров в процессе


docker restart – рестарт контейнера в памяти

docker update – с обновлением параметров


sudo docker exec -it {container_name} bash

заходим внутрь контейнера


DB_PASS_POSTGRESQL = “Pbdivbknn123”

Настройка postgress на locahost

прописать listen_addresses = ‘*’ в /etc/postgres/10/main/postgres.conf


А так же допустимые IP адреса с которых входм в BD в файле /etc/postgres/10/main/pg_hbd.conf


В файле docker-composet.yml для доступа к Kafke контейнеров в переменных окружения сервиса broker:



для внешнего доступа к кафке без контейнера :



Перезапуск системы

cd deploy

sudo docker-compose down – вырубаем все контейнеры

sudo docker stop {имя контейнера} – остановить

sudo docker rm {имя контейнера} – удалить

sudo docker-compose up -d – запускаем все контейнеры из docker-composet.yml файла


  1. Storm


Скрипт для автоматической установки Storm с локальной Линукс системы через ssh находиться в каталоге ~/tmp/supervisord/storm/


Так же вам нужен архив с дистрибутивом Storm версии 1.0.6 – c.tar.gz

и архив демона для запуска Storm, который называеться supervisord – s.tar.gz.

Кроме того, там же находиться Oracle Java – jdk-8u192-linux-x64.tar.gz


Оба архива сохранены в ~/tmp/supervisord/


Для установки Java используем команду:


apt install default-jdk


Затем для комплекта положим Oracle Java в каталог /usr/lib/jvm рядом c OpenJdk, иногда оригинальный Java больше подходит.


Для использования Oracle Java достаточно задать переменную среды окружения в нужных конфигах:




Добавить путь PATH=”/opt/storm/current/bin:$PATH” в файл ~/.profile


Для старта storm набрать:


sudo /etc/init.d/supervisor start


Для остановки Stopm такаяже команда как выше, со словом stop.


storm version


  1. Leiningen


Можно не создавать дополнительный каталог bin в домашнем каталоге ~.

cd ~

mkdir bin


cd ~/bin


cd ~/.local/bin




chmod +x ~/bin/lein


chmod +x ~/.local/bin




lein version


  1. Streamparse


sudo pip3 install streamparse


sparse quickstart wordcount


cd wordcount


В файле project.clj надо изменить версию Storm в 6 строчке:


:dependencies  [[org.apache.storm/storm-core “1.0.6”]


Проверим работоспособность:


sparse run


Для запуска задачи на кластере Storm, а не на локальной библиотеке используют команду (требуеться конфигурация IPs в файле config.json ):

sparse submit


  1. TensorFlow


Для первого знакомство с возможностями нейросетей подойдет вот эта ссылка:


Скопировать архив NLP_Engine_v2.tar.gz в любое место на диске, где есть свободное место.


Разархивировать в той же директории. Это важно так как модель объёмная:


tar -zxvf NLP_Engine_v2.tar.gz -C .


Крайняя точка в команде обозначает разорхивировать в текущую директорию.


Затем надо установить необходимы Питон пакеты:


sudo pip3 install nltk numpy regex stanfordnlp joblib lmdb vaderSentiment polyglot pycld2 morfessor keras tensorflow sklearn elasticsearch pandas


sudo apt install python3-mysql.connector python3-pycurl


Затем зайти в каталог NLP_Engine_v2 и выполнит команду:


source env/bin/activate


Обратите внимание на каталог nlp. Это модуль питона который занимаеться анализом.


После этого надо прописать пути для местного питон модуля nlp:


nano nlp_engine/src/bolts/


В другом файле надо подправить переменные среды окружения, в принципе, если запускать через контейнер, это нужно делать в docker-compose.yml файл.


nano nlp_engine/src/spouts/


Затем перейдите в каталог nlp_engine и выполните команду:


sparse run


Для запуска на кластере Storm, надо корректировать IP адреса в файле config.json и использовать команду:


sparse  submit


  1. Контейнер для запуска NLP


Для запуска машинного анализа заходим в каталог … и запускаем




image: storm:latestvolumes:- /home/ubuntu/deploy/storm/suite:/suiteenvironment:- POSTGRES_HOST=postgresql- POSTGRES_PORT=5432


– POSTGRES_USER=postgres


restart: always







FROM ubuntu

RUN mkdir -p /home/ubuntu

WORKDIR /home/ubuntu

RUN apt-get -y -q update && apt-get install -y wget sudo git libicu-dev python htop curl python3 python3-pip python3-pycurl


COPY jdk1.8.0_192 jdk1.8.0_192

RUN sudo mkdir -p /usr/lib/jvm

RUN sudo ln -s /home/ubuntu/jdk1.8.0_192 /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle


COPY apache-storm-1.0.6 apache-storm-1.0.6

COPY nlp nlp

COPY nlp_engine nlp_engine

RUN sudo echo ‘JAVA_HOME=”/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle”‘ >> /etc/environment

RUN echo ‘PATH=”/home/ubuntu/apache-storm-1.0.6/bin:$PATH”‘ >> /etc/environment

RUN sudo pip3 install -U git+

RUN sudo pip3 install mysql-connector kafka-python streamparse  flask nltk numpy regex stanfordnlp joblib lmdb vaderSentiment pycld2 morfessor keras tensorflow sklearn elasticsearch pandas

WORKDIR /home/ubuntu

RUN wget

RUN sudo chmod +x lein

RUN sudo cp /home/ubuntu/lein /usr/local/bin

ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle

ENV JAVACMD /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java

ENV PATH “/home/ubuntu/apache-storm-1.0.6/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/:$PATH”



CMD bash



storm version

lein version

sparse quickstart wordcount

sleep 50000


  1. Пункт. Дополнения и мысли вслух.


Эту команду можно применить для выкачивания сайта. Полученные директории можно использовать для тестирования контейнеров по парсингу для вычленения информации.


Для составления карты или индекса сайта, в принципе можно использовать стандартные возможности Storm.


Если удачно отфильтровать этот контент, то его можно использовать для обучения нейросетки.


wget -m -l 10 -e robots=off -p -k -E –reject-regex “wp” –no-check-certificate -U=”Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/68.0.3440.106 Safari/537.36″


Обученную нейросетку, можно использовать для генерации сообщений для поддержания диалога. При любых вопросах сразу давать ссылку на первоисточних на этом форуме.




Categories (3) Deploy Inviso Created 12 days ago, last updated 8 days ago
Clone repository git clone

Create Swarm Now we need to create the swarm nodes (master and slaves) and join them as a cluster Go to insikt-deploy-entrega directory and execute cd insikt-deploy-entrega/ bash
Note: Is recommended that all swarms must have 8GB of memory RAM. Actually in the file some nodes on the swarm have just 4GB because there’s not enough memory on the server which is deployed. Check result:

docker-machine ls

Expected output: Image


Swarm deployment We need to execute file. For this step we need: Configure aws CLI Match swarm certificates directory Check out in which directory is getting configuration source

Configure aws CLI Just execute the next command and follow the steps aws configure

Match swarm certificates directory

In the file, is needed that next constant can search swarm-1 cert

Note: Normally, cert file is located on ~/.docker/machine/machines/swarm-1
Check out in which directory is getting configuration source

Currently, in the file which creates the services, the paths configuration source are harcoded.
This file is in insikt-deploy-entrega/insikt-swarm/ci/docker-staging.yml
A good example would be: configs:
file: /home/ubuntu/tmp/insikt-deploy-entrega/insikt-swarm/config/nginx/nginx.conf kibanaconfig: file: /home/ubuntu/tmp/insikt-deploy-entrega/insikt-swarm/config/kibana/kibana.yml elasticconfig: file: /home/ubuntu/tmp/insikt-deploy-entrega/insikt-swarm/config/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml logstashconfig: file: /home/ubuntu/tmp/insikt-deploy-entrega/insikt-swarm/config/logstash/logstash.conf

In this example, the /home/ubuntu/tmp path should be replaced for the good one.


Once all thiese prerequisites are done, we can deploy the services.
In the terminal execute:

eval $(docker-machine env swarm-1)


If all went well, after execute it, the ending of the output in the terminal should be some thing like:

overall progress: 1 out of 1 tasks
1/1: running [==================================================>]
verify: Service converged
overall progress: 1 out of 1 tasks
1/1: running [==================================================>]
verify: Service converged

Expose Swarm nodes


Using iptables

To expose the node to the outside, we need to forward the requests. This should be possible using iptables.
The file in insikit-deploy-entrea/ adds the rules to iptables.

Note: Before use it, check that the variable wan_addr is your server WAN IP

How it works:



Ex: bash 9090

This command will forward the request from your_wan_ip_server:9090 to If does not work If does not work you need to check many things: iptables port forward option is enabled


Check if the option is allowed with sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward Execute: sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward Expected output: net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

If is 0 you must need to execute: sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 printf “net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1” >> /etc/sysctl.conf


There is another firewall In Ubuntu servers must be probable that ufw is enabled. Check it with: Execute: ufw status Expected output: Status: inactive


If is active, execute ufw disable and restart the server.


Python alerts db We go to create the database for alerts in python. First we need to copy the repository git clone

To continue, we need to follow the next steps: Configuration values are retrieved from this config file. Application reads that config file from the path stored within environment variable INSIKT_APP_SETTINGS. If that variable is not set then relative path ../config/ is used. In order to provide your own values for config properties listed within default ./config/ file, make a copy of that file and set path to this copy as value for INSIKT_APP_SETTINGS environment variable. For example, you can create local copy of default config:

cd insikt-backend-pyalerts cp ./config/ ./config/ export INSIKT_APP_SETTINGS=../config/
mysql -h -u test -p insikt < mysql-tested.sql


This will instruct the Flask to read configs from your local copy of default config file. Note, your local copy will not be recognized by git, as there is a gitignore configuration to omit all copies of default config gile, except the default config itself. So, if you need to change some default configuration parameters you will need to edit ./config/ file and commit this changes. You also need to create a table language and network_analysis. CREATE TABLE language (id INT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, name text, status tinyint(1)); CREATE TABLE network_analysis (id INT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,project_id VARCHAR(256) DEFAULT NULL, start date, end date, source varchar(1000), status tinyint(4));


Keystore db Also is needed restore the keystore db. We need in our local restore it from a dump with

pg_restore -h -U postgres -W insikt1.sql -d insikt


Note: Database must be already created

Create Elasticsearch demo index We need to expose Kibana with file bash 5601

After this we need to go to Kibana though browser in IP_SERVER:5601 Once Kibana is loaded go to the sidebar menu and click on Dev Tools. You will see kibana console Image

You need to copy this code to create the demo index.

PUT demo {
“settings”: { “number_of_shards”: 6, “number_of_replicas”: 1, “analysis”: { “analyzer”: { “default”: { “type”: “standard”, “tokenizer”: “lowercase”, “filter”: [ “asciifolding” ] } } }, “index.requests.cache.enable”: true }, “mappings”: { “tweet”: { “_source”: { “enabled”: true },

“properties”: { “analysis”: { “properties”: { “threatScore”: { “type”: “long”, “doc_values”: true }, “concepts”: { “properties”: { “concept”: { “type”: “keyword”, “index”: true, “doc_values”: true } } }, “docSentiment”: { “type”: “double”, “index”: true, “doc_values”: true },

“emotions”: { “properties”: { “emotion”: { “type”: “keyword”, “index”: true, “doc_values”: true } } }, “entities”: { “type”: “nested”, “properties”: { “entity”: { “type”: “keyword”, “index”: true, “doc_values”: true }, “entityType”: { “type”: “keyword”, “index”: true, “doc_values”: true }, “type”: { “type”: “keyword”, “index”: true, “doc_values”: true }

} }, “hashtags”: { “properties”: { “text”: { “type”: “keyword”, “index”: true, “doc_values”: true } } }, “keyIdeas”: { “properties”: { “keyIdea”: { “type”: “keyword”, “index”: true, “doc_values”: true } } },


“screenName”: { “type”: “keyword”, “index”: true, “doc_values”: true }, “topics”: { “type”: “nested”, “properties”: { “topic”: { “type”: “keyword”, “index”: true, “doc_values”: true }, “category”: { “type”: “keyword”, “index”: true, “doc_values”: true } } } } },

“createdAt”: { “type”: “date”, “index”: true, “doc_values”: true, “format”: “dateOptionalTime” }, “detectedLang”: { “type”: “keyword”, “index”: true, “doc_values”: true }, “geoLocation”: { “properties”: { “latitude”: { “type”: “double”, “index”: true, “doc_values”: true }, “longitude”: { “type”: “double”, “index”: true, “doc_values”: true } } }, “coordinates”: {

“index”: true, “type”: “geo_point” }, “geoname”: { “properties”: { “countryCode”: { “type”: “keyword”, “index”: true, “doc_values”: true }, “geonameid”: {
“type”: “integer”, “index”: true, “doc_values”: true }, “name”: {
“type”: “keyword”, “index”: true, “doc_values”: true } } },

“hashtagEntities”: { “properties”: { “end”: { “type”: “long”, “doc_values”: true }, “start”: { “type”: “long”, “doc_values”: true }, “text”: { “type”: “keyword”, “index”: false, “doc_values”: true } } },

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“index”: true, “doc_values”: true, “format”: “dateOptionalTime”
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Create a new project Once ES index is created is time to create a Inviso project.

Expose the frontend First we need to expose the Inviso frontend to login in the app.
bash 443


And go to the next url: https://SERVER_IP
You will see the login screen Image Login with: User: parronator Password: 123456Aa

Once you are logged, follow the next steps to create a project Click on the button Add a new project Key project Fill the options project as you prefer, but twitter must be selected from Sources option Click on Create button

You will see a green toast pointing that project was created and you will redirect to projects dashboard with the new project created Image

Load test data

In insikt-deploy-entrega/ directory, there is a fille named You just need to execute it with:



Note: If you get a “Magic numbers” error, you must delete the file with .pyc extension in the same directory as file. You can use find . -name \*.pyc -delete Also inside, delete: from insiktes import search, search2, search4, search_top, \ mysql_elk, get_id_list, get_source_list, get_top_list, notification To check if it works you just need to go to Dev Tools in Kibana and execute: GET demo/_search { “query”: { “match_all”: {} }


If worked, you must get results at in total of hits with at least 32 Image 0 comments





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