Создание сайтов WordPress

31 Oct 2020
by ignat

13 семинаров (можно к любом фреймворку адаптировать – любой программе)

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Полный цикл создания сайта с нуля.

Курс включает тонкости ремесла, как сделать так чтоб домен сайта мог отправлять письма, которые не попадают в спам.

Как открыть и настроить шифрования для связи с клиентом.

Как подключить Google статистику и другие SEO инструменты.

Есть еще специализация по Ворд-Прессу.

Список самых популярных тем и плугинов.

Вот такой профиль специалиста:


D*etail-oriented developer with a strong knowledge of HTML, CSS, Javascript, and WordPress*

We are looking to hire a top-class WordPress Developer to design and implement attractive and functional websites. You will be responsible for both back-end and front-end development including the implementation of WordPress themes and plugins as well as site integration and security updates.

You should have in-depth knowledge of front-end programming languages, a good eye for aesthetics, and strong content management skills. You will be required to create attractive, user-friendly websites to meet the design, UX, and functionality specifications assigned.


Full-Stack web development experience
Extensive experience in the creation of plugins, themes, and templates for WordPress from scratch and understanding of WordPress themes and customizations
Knowledge and experience with modern CMS and templating systems
Proficiency with HTML/CSS/Javascript/PHP – LAMP stack development
Familiarity with modern browser frameworks such as jQuery & React
The ability to gauge the technical feasibility and level of effort of UI/UX designs
The ability to collaborate with other team members and stakeholders
A passion for craft with code

Master degree in Software Development Engineer
Mastery of git, Jira, Maven, Bamboo, Angular, and Handlebars
AWS and Alexa Skills
Experience with the Tessitura framework
Experience with AEM
General Linux competency
Domain expertise in analytics, marketing automation, and CRM
Proficiency in creating prototypes
Experience with emerging technologies such as AR/VR+ and Unity 3D

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